Learning Japanese
~ga tabetai desu VS ~o tabetai desu
[Grammar] How do you explain, “I want to eat TAKOYAKI” たこやきを たべたいです(watashi wa takoyaki o tabetai desu) or you also say たこやきが たべたいです。(takoyaki ga tabetai desu)You can use both, however the meaning is slightly deferent. “___ o tabe tai desu” is you show your statement but using particle “____ ga tabetai desu” shows your desire. You really need […]
Tabe mono & Nomi mono
This is for beginner’s tip. Tabe-mono and Nomi-mono. Everyone knows some verbs tabemasu (to eat) and nomimasu (to drink). When you put the [~mono ] after the verb that becomes to たべもの&のみもの as noun. [things to eat and things to drink] たべもの:サラダ、すし、ラーメン、カレー、てんぷら、 etc のみもの : みず、ジュース、コーヒー、ぎゅうにゅう、ビール、ワイン etc くだもの(kuda-mono) are all fruits. Then new one is […]
Tabe mono & Nomi mono
This is for beginner’s tip. Tabe-mono and Nomi-mono. Everyone knows some verbs tabemasu (to eat) and nomimasu (to drink). When you put the [~mono ] after the verb that becomes to たべもの&のみもの as noun. [things to eat and things to drink] たべもの:サラダ、すし、ラーメン、カレー、てんぷら、 etc のみもの : みず、ジュース、コーヒー、ぎゅうにゅう、ビール、ワイン etc くだもの(kuda-mono) are all fruits. Then new one is […]
Going to shopping
When you go shopping and If you can not find things you want, how do you explain your feeling to a retail. ん。。。ちょっと ちいさいなあ。おおきいのが ほしい。「すみません、もうすこし おおきいの ありますか。」 『おおきいの』『の』is just omitting to use same noun. They are looking at same item together, so you do not need to repeat same noun. 『もっと やすいの ありますか。』『もっと ちいさいの ありますか。』『ピンクの ありますか。』etc.
Verb game_Sugoroku
すごろくゲーム(sugoroku game) We play game at the class many times, especially a benefit of learning verbs,adjectives so on. Sugoroku is a one of unique and symple game for students. an example for learning verbs, using a dice and shuffle then you can see which number you go. If your number is 3, just you can […]
Japanese Textbooks
【Japanese textbooks】 we recommend three textbooks to use in our school. Sydney Japanese Language School will analyze your needs at the first then we discuss with students which textbooks is the best for them. [Japanese for busy people] is good for self-study option. Students will review after class and practice some questions when you have […]
How to read a Japanese Calender
【カレンダー/暦】Reading Japanese calendar is little bit complicated a specially form 1st to 10th. Reading Month is very easy just adding a number + 「がつ」January is [1+gatsu] February is [2+gatsu] however you have to memories from 1st ~10th of month and 14th, 20th, 24th Oh…. NO… try to say your birthday and your family birthday. I […]
Writing SMS
【SMS】Writing and reading practice today! You can use the sample SMS and you can create your own words. It is very easy practice for a short sentences. 【Target grammar】Event ga arimasu. 〜が あります。you can offer a friend to go together for the event. Useful comment [Tanoshimi desu] is I am looking forward to ~. If you […]